Step 2 Airbrush Photorealism

Start very light.

Start very light.

Here I start very light and slowly build up to my target color.

You will never regret being to light because if you get to dark too quickly and over shoot your target color you will have to lighten the color which takes time. I will address this in detail in a later post.

Photo Realistic Airbrush Portrait

This is a step by step photo realistic portrait in black and white of Scarlet Johansson. I do not know who the photographer is  in order to give him or her  the proper recognition. This is strictly a demo piece. Remember  if you chose to do portraits  taken by photographers other than yourself  there are copyright issues. Artists and photographers own the intellectual property rights of their work. This is a sketch on Schoellershammer  4g illustration  board  designed specifically for airbrush. The paint I used is Createx Illustration Colors.