Call for Young Adult Artists

Call for Young Adult Artists

Art is in the Air, Inc. is calling for young adult artists interested in expanding their artistic skill sets. Weeklong airbrush artistry courses are available in July and August for artists ages 15 to 18.

Airbrush artistry is popular among many types of artists, and offers a wide range of diversity in artist styles. Increased control over paint flow allows artists the ability to layer and blend colors with “high definition” precision. Paintings look so real they can be mistaken for photographs.

Students will learn how to use an airbrush, develop artistry skills, and expand personal creativity. Courses will focus on popular and familiar comic book characters. Students may choose to exhibit their completed projects in the rotating gallery, highlighted during monthly unveilings of new art.

Airbrush experience is not necessary. The studio is fully equipped with everything a beginning airbrush artist needs, allowing students the opportunity to test their interest in this type of artistry.

Class schedule, registrations and more information available on the website.  Course sizes limited to 8 students. Reserve your spot now!